
Oh, hello there. Today is definitely far more stabby than last week. For one, I'm no longer basking in the beach life. BOO!!! For two, I have 1,367,984 things to do before we hit the road again on Friday. Also, my son is turning 21 today at 6:15pm, and I'm not there. DOUBLE BOO!!! But... [...]

June Wrap-Up

And just like that, the year is halfway over!!! June was an interesting month. I went to BookCon with @bookloverscoffee and had THE TIME OF MY LIFE!!! I should piece together a post about that, now that I think about it. 🤔 But I haven't yet, because things sort of fell apart when I got home. [...]

March Wrap Up

What is it they say about March? In like a lion, out like a lamb? Well, that certainly was the case in Las Vegas anyway. Cold weather and winds gave way to warmer weather and Spring, or the ten minutes we get here in the desert, appears to finally be here. 42/125 - Goodreads Challenge [...]

January Wrap-Up

"You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book!"  ~Dr. Suess January started off with a BANG!!! I ended December on a roll of fantastic books! And while I wish it could have been all five star reads all through the month, they can't all be winners... [...]

2017: A Year In Review

Reading challenge: 139/75 So back when I first began this blog, one of the challenges I wanted to do was set a goal in Goodreads, and then NOT CHANGE IT! I set my goal of 75 books based on how I did in 2016, and I ended up reading 139. It felt strange to me [...]

A Review: The Hot Guy

The Hot Guy by Mel Campbell My rating: 3 of 5 stars I liked the premise of this book, and really wanted it to be more. It sounded fun, had some really funny, witty writing and even had a decent plot line. Which makes this a difficult review to write, because I did enjoy the [...]

Follow Me Back – Review

We live in a social media world. For better or for worse. There was a time, not so long ago, when sharing every aspect of your personal life would have been considered obnoxious and narcissistic. Who needs to know where I am or what I am eating every hour of the day? Those private details [...]

April wrap up

Half way through May, and I realized I hadn't done an April wrap up. The horror! The good news, I've managed to write a review for all the books I read, so YAY ME!!! If I didn't post all the reviews on my blog, they are all on Goodreads. FIND ME HERE Here's a quick [...]

Dominion: Sneak Peek & Review

Like a cold hand massaging my brain I feel Roman infiltrate further and all of a sudden, my eyes lose sight of the room. I’m sitting at a small white table. The room is bare except for a clock above the door and a one-way glass window. Sitting at the table with me are three [...]

A review: Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli My rating: 4 of 5 stars I loved this book! It was such an adorable, easy read. Simon is such a lovable character. Even when he is having a bad day, you just want to hug him, don't you? There is so much I adore in [...]