New Boy

New Boy by Tracy Chevalier My rating: 3 of 5 stars Using Othello in a modern retelling to depict not only racism but bullying, had me intrigued and excited. Unfortunately, for me, this book didn't quite hit that mark. I will start by saying, I am not incredibly familiar with Othello, at least in the [...]


I realize that I am late to most things Internet. What can I say, I like to discover new things only to find out that they've been around forever. It's my thing. Anyhoo, I recently stumbled on this thing called a readathon. It's a 24 hour reading marathon challenge. And I thought, that sounds [...]

Crimes Against a Book Club

"But if I'm going to do something stupid, it's always more fun to do it with a friend." Some books are just fun. They grab you from the beginning and take you on an outrageous ride. This book was exactly that. Fun. I think it's safe to assume that we all, or at least most [...]

My Life to Live

Most everyone I know grew up watching soap operas. At least, they watched them in the way we watch what our mothers, and aunts, and grandmothers watched. Reluctantly since if we didn't, we wouldn't watch anything at all. So, willingly or unwillingly, we all knew the plots. My mother watched All My Children religiously. She [...]

March Wrap Up

March was a busy month for me. I ended up reading six books. Goodreads suspiciously has my reading challenge as ahead of schedule. I'm beginning to think Goodreads is just trying to keep my self-esteem intact. I finished the second and third book in the Red Queen series. I have mixed feelings about them. First, [...]

The Female of the Species

"This is how I kill someone." That sentence signals, buckle up, we're going for a ride. "Dedication: For the victims." The dedication tells you the ride is going to be bumpy. I have been a fan of Mindy McGinnis since I read her duology, Not a Drop to Drink. Her writing style is enthralling, plunging [...]