Furyborn – Review

"We all have darkness inside us, Rielle," he said, his voice brought. "That is what it means to be human." A prophecy states that two Queens will appear. One of light and one of blood. When Rielle uses her powers to save the the crown prince, she exposes that she has the ability to perform [...]


Well, it's sunny and miserable again. Does anyone else wake up and hiss at the sun? No? Just me? At least my misery is your gain as we start the week off right: with plenty of stabnanigans!!! This week I thought we'd go full stabby books mode. Epic fantasy with lots and lots of treachery, betrayal, [...]

June Wrap-Up

And just like that, the year is halfway over!!! June was an interesting month. I went to BookCon with @bookloverscoffee and had THE TIME OF MY LIFE!!! I should piece together a post about that, now that I think about it. 🤔 But I haven't yet, because things sort of fell apart when I got home. [...]