Furyborn – Review

"We all have darkness inside us, Rielle," he said, his voice brought. "That is what it means to be human." A prophecy states that two Queens will appear. One of light and one of blood. When Rielle uses her powers to save the the crown prince, she exposes that she has the ability to perform [...]


A glorious morning my stabby lovelies!!! We're running on beach time today, so sorry not sorry for the later post! I am in a wonderfully relaxed mood, sitting on a balcony, listening to the waves. Life, in short, is very good. I almost don't want to stab anyone today. Almost. I mean, I'm still me, [...]

Iron Gold – Review

** There will be spoilers for the Red Rising series in this review, but none for Iron Gold ** "Men call him father, liberator, warlord, Slave King, Reaper. But he feels a boy as he falls toward the war-torn planet, his armor red, his army vast, his heart heavy." Iron Gold is the behemoth of [...]

Nevernight – Review

"At the heart of it, two kinds of people live in this world or any other: those who flee and those who fight." Enter the world of Mia Corvere. The little girl who barely escapes with her life after her father plots (and fails) a rebellion. Now, she is grown and has vengeance in her [...]

Blade’s Edge – Review

"Was it impossible to hide who you really were forever?" What an incredible book! Blade's Edge is such a phenomenal story. A fantasy world built with similarities to feudal Japan, but written with such intensity that it mirrors a dystopian novel. I was immediately swept into the enormity of this world and immersed in the [...]

The Heart’s Invisible Furies – Review

"Anything is possible," I said. "But most things are unlikely." The Heart's Invisible Furies is an epic, all-encompassing story spanning the life of Cyril Avery. Cyril is adopted, "not a real Avery", as his adopted parent's Charles and Maude often remind him, growing up in the 1950's in Ireland. Even though his adoptive parent's remind [...]

After Life – Review

"To learn the true value of something, all you had to do was lose it." After Life is a stunning book, that was so unexpected I am still reeling from it. If you want to read a novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat and constantly surprise you, this is a [...]