Winter, White and Wicked

The second I saw the comp of Frozen meets Mad Max, I knew I needed this book. But holy winter spirits I had no idea how badly I actually needed it. Winter talks to Sylvi. Whispers to her, keeps her safe. And on an island cursed to ensure Winter eternally, having her on your side [...]

An ode to Darkdawn

I'm going to start right in the deep end, and announce, Darkdawn is the perfect series finale. PERFECT!!! The entire series is one of the best things I've ever read, but it's rare that an ending makes me feel so at one with the universe. "Fear is never a choice. But letting it rule you [...]

Kingdom of the Blazing Phoenix – Review

**This review was originally posted on - SEE IT HERE** "Every step they took, every hardship they witnessed, stoked the fires of her anger, but over the weeks, it had changed from a sharp, burning outrage into a steady, purposeful wrath." In the stunning follow up to her debut, Julie Dao returns us to [...]

Forest Of A Thousand Lanterns – Review

"She would bloom where she was planted and let her roots close around the throats of her enemies." Xifeng has grown up knowing two things. That she is beautiful. And that she is destined for greatness. She is meant to be Empress, that's what the cards her aunt reads tells her. But, there is no [...]

#fashionvictim – Review

"It wasn't that people were particularly devastated by her death, it was just such a juicy story. If it bleeds while wearing designer shoes, it goddamned leads. And boy, did it ever." Anya St. Clair is nothing if not driven. She knows how to channel her setbacks and overcome her obstacles. How to focus on [...]


Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the stabbiest one of all? I've always loved the darker side to fairy tales. There's something about taking the things I loved as a child and making them dark and devious that makes me so happy. Knowing that the original tales were pretty damn dark to begin with [...]

Not Even Bones – Review

** This review was originally published on, see it HERE ** In her stunning debut novel NOT EVEN BONES, Rebecca Schaeffer transports us to a world that resembles our own in nearly every way. Except for the supernatural creatures, that is. Nita is a good person. She doesn’t kill supernatural creatures. Or sell their [...]

The Mermaid – Review

"He loved the sea more than any person and so was never able to take a wife, for women see what is in men's hearts more clearly than men would wish." Despite all the warnings of her people, there was once a mermaid who longed to know more about humans and the world beyond the [...]

Neverworld Wake – Review + GIVEAWAY

I am so excited to be part of another Rockstar Book Tours Blog Tour! Click the photo below to check out their website for more incredible tours! "You're all nearly dead. Wedged between life and death. Time for you has become on a splinter, forming a closed-circuit potentiality called a Neverworld Wake." A year ago [...]

The Tangled Lands – Review

"Magic makes bramble, and bramble makes kisses, and kisses make sleep that lasts until Kpala's children tear us to pieces. It was always thus. And yet you put yourself above the rest of us, and now all that magic blows in the breeze and brings bramble calling." The Tangled Lands took me a bit by [...]