March Wrap Up

What is it they say about March? In like a lion, out like a lamb? Well, that certainly was the case in Las Vegas anyway. Cold weather and winds gave way to warmer weather and Spring, or the ten minutes we get here in the desert, appears to finally be here. 42/125 - Goodreads Challenge [...]

Things To Do When It’s Raining – Review

"Some things are better kept secret. And some things are not: life's most difficult task is to know which is which." Things To Do When It's Raining is a novel full of all the deep feelings. Prepare yourself for a novel full of tragedy and heartbreaking beauty. Marissa Stapley takes you into the reality of [...]

She Regrets Nothing – Review

"Liberty had always been plagued by the sense that her immense privilege meant that she owed some substantial debt. But what exactly she owed, and to whom, was never clear." She Regrets Nothing is a coming of age tale set in the world of mass privilege and wealth. The story centers on the Lawrence family, [...]

The Great Alone – Review

** This review (and the book) will contain possible triggers regarding domestic abuse and violence ** "It's like his back is broken, Mama had said, and you don't stop loving a person when they're hurt. You get stronger so they can lean on you. He needs me. Us." So we meet the Allbright family. Ernt [...]

Match Made in Manhattan – Review

"The more often you go on dates, the more you start to feel like you're dating yourself." Match Made in Manhattan follows Alison on her fast paced introduction to the technology of modern dating. Through her profile on, we are introduced to various men via dating profiles, text threads, email chains and of course, [...]