Tuesdays With Jena: Meet Jenn!

This week, on #TuesdayswithJena we're chit-chat-rat-a-tat-tatting with Jenn with two N's Vining, or as she's known on the gram @jennsbookvibes. For the record, that's Vining with an N, not a K. Only I'm allowed to call her that. Although, I suppose that technically makes her Jenn with three N's, but only if you use her [...]

Blogger Recognition Award

Danielle tagged me for this award, THANK YOU!!! Her blog is HERE and her Twitter is @dmcdowall129. Go give her a follow! I have never done this before, so this should be fun! Here is the Pirate Code (this means the rules for all ye land lubbers) I will be following: Thank the blogger who nominated you [...]