Queen Of Ruin – Review + GIVEAWAY

Happy Wednesday!!! I am so thrilled to be reviewing Queen Of Ruin for you shabby lovelies today! I adored the first book, Grace and Fury (see my review HERE), and have been waiting to find out the fates of Nomi and Serena ever since. A huge thank you to Rockstar Book Tours, check out their [...]

Teeth In The Mist – Feature + GIVEAWAY

Holy smokes am I excited to FINALLY have this dark delight in my stabby little hands! I just got this yesterday, so be assured, I will be devouring shortly and following up with my review. In the meantime, check out Rockstar Book Tours for all the juicy book related gossip and be sure to stop [...]

Red Clocks – Review

"Two years ago the United States Congress ratified the Personhood Amendment, which gives the constitutional right to life, liberty, and property to a fertilized egg at the moment of conception." Red Clocks introduces us to a chilling future. Unlike most dystopians, though, this future is closer to modern day. As you read, you become aware [...]

The Power – Review

"The shape of power is always the same." The Power is such an amazing book! Anyone who enjoys reading about the complexity and reality of power, both perceived and enforced, implied and physical, will enjoy this novel. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and The Power shows us the harsh truth in those four words. We open with [...]

Gunslinger Girl – Review

"She should have seen it coming. Six months and she'd be lawfully released from his control. But he couldn't let that happen easy, not him." From the very first moment I saw photos of this gorgeous book being released at BookCon, I knew I had to have this book. A dystopian with a Western twist? [...]

Today Will Be Different – Review

"Because the other way wasn't working. The waking up just to get the day over with until it was time for bed. The grinding it out was a disgrace, an affront to the honor and long shot of being alive at all." Today Will Be Different is exactly the book I needed to read! The [...]

The Party – Review

"The interview room is small and square." We begin The Party with the definitions of the word. A social gathering. A political group.  A guilty person. The wording of the title and placing these definitions in the beginning deliciously brilliant, as we know going in that this novel will be an experience on a multidimensional [...]

Heather the Totality – Review

"She was radiant with life even when she was alone, or thought she was." Heather, The Totality is a power punch of a novel. Short but brutally precise, each word is chosen carefully and delivers deliberate intensity. We are introduced to Mark and Karen Breakstone, a couple living in New York. Having married later in [...]

Chatting with Val – The Reminders

Some of you may remember that in early summer I won the chance to chat with Val Emmich, author of The Reminders, from Little, Brown. I was lucky enough to be able to include a few of the women from my book club (@pnwbookworm, @trissinalovesbooks, @thepagesinbetween), and through a series of scheduling snafus and hilariously [...]

Gather The Daughters – Review

This review is going to contain some spoilers, so if you haven't read this book and are interested in it, please be warned. This book is also heavy with trigger issues, specifically, sexual abuse and violence, along with domestic abuse. "Laughter for a boy, tears for a girl." That one sentence summarizes the horror of [...]