
Do you like ancient evil stirring up dark magic? Sword-wielding girls with far too many secrets? Cinnamon roll boys who happen to be princes? Then do I have the book for you! Jennesara's kingdom is in trouble. There's a traitor in the castle and war presses in on all borders. And Jennesara can help. She [...]

Killing November

You've been accepted to assassin school. But to graduate, you have to survive.

Me Myself & Him – Review

"I'd just spent the past ten minutes getting slapped around by good and bad luck in such rapid succession, I didn't know what to think." If you're looking for the perfect summer contemporary with a sci-fi twist, do yourself a favor and grab Me Myself & Him. Chris Schweitzer has nothing but the perfect summer [...]

Hullmetal Girls – Review

** This review was originally posted on ** "Only the desperate volunteer to become Scela, signing away their bodies and their autonomy to the General Body's command." In her newest release, Emily Skrutskie launches us far into the future where humanity strives to find a habitable planet. A space opera filled with an amazingly [...]


Well, it's sunny and miserable again. Does anyone else wake up and hiss at the sun? No? Just me? At least my misery is your gain as we start the week off right: with plenty of stabnanigans!!! This week I thought we'd go full stabby books mode. Epic fantasy with lots and lots of treachery, betrayal, [...]

June Wrap-Up

And just like that, the year is halfway over!!! June was an interesting month. I went to BookCon with @bookloverscoffee and had THE TIME OF MY LIFE!!! I should piece together a post about that, now that I think about it. 🤔 But I haven't yet, because things sort of fell apart when I got home. [...]

Neverworld Wake – Review + GIVEAWAY

I am so excited to be part of another Rockstar Book Tours Blog Tour! Click the photo below to check out their website for more incredible tours! "You're all nearly dead. Wedged between life and death. Time for you has become on a splinter, forming a closed-circuit potentiality called a Neverworld Wake." A year ago [...]

Shadow Call – Review + GIVEAWAY

WARNING!!! There will be minor spoilers for Shadow Run. If you haven't read it, PLEASE DO!!! Take a look at my review for it! Be sure to check out Rockstar Book Tours by clicking the photo above or HERE! I am always thrilled to be a part of their tours, and this one is no [...]

Shadow Run – Review

"I liked to think I wasn't new to danger, but the longer I spent in these cold fringes, the more I learned that the term acceptable risk meant something quite different from what I was used to." In this future world, all the portals linking galaxies have been destroyed long ago by a substance that's [...]