Dark Age – Review

A few books ago, Pierce Brown introduced us to the quote: "Shit Escalates". So far, in every book in the Red Rising series, Brown has lived up to that quote, escalating the shit to breathtaking heights. But, I'm convinced he broke that term in Dark Age, and now must come up with a new way [...]

Iron Gold – Review

** There will be spoilers for the Red Rising series in this review, but none for Iron Gold ** "Men call him father, liberator, warlord, Slave King, Reaper. But he feels a boy as he falls toward the war-torn planet, his armor red, his army vast, his heart heavy." Iron Gold is the behemoth of [...]

Morning Star – Review

Here's the deal Howlers! This is the third book in a trilogy, so this review will contain spoilers from the first two books. It can't be helped so stop whining, you gorydamn Pixies. To be perfectly honest darling, if you haven't read this series by now, you are never going to earn your scar at [...]


Today, my goodmen, today was GLORIOUS!!!!! In full nerd fashion, I embarked on a journey. A journey many months in the making, and surprisingly, not entirely about the event itself.   Let me back up. Of course, the event was the entire gorydamn point. I've been waiting for Iron Gold for what feels like an [...]

Golden Son – Review

First, my goodmen, let me begin by saying: if you haven't read Red Rising, please stop and go read the bloodydamn book! There will be spoilers for Red Rising in this review. It can't be helped. Don't be a Pixie and cry about it. Just read the gory book. "Once upon a time, a man [...]

Red Rising – Review

"I would have lived in peace. But my enemies brought me war." Anyone who has known me at all, for any time, during the last two years, has probably had me try and push this book on them. I mean, it's pretty bloodydamn amazing. As I've pushed it and raved about it and wanted to [...]