Sleeping Beauties – Review

"The world didn't seem weird then; the world didn't seem like the world at all, but like another place that you had been flipped into." Out of nowhere, women who fall asleep are covered in a cocoon like substance. A gauze that sustains them, protects them, and if broken incites a violence from the sleeping [...]


What if instead of wishes, you were granted three book worlds to enter?! Which worlds would you choose??? For today's stabnanigans, I wanted to take the magic of the djinn and cast some wishes. I found the lamp, but my genie made me murder one of these books, so, I suppose the old adage, careful [...]

The Oracle Year – Review

"Anything can happen, Will Dando thought. In the next five seconds, in the next five years. Anything at all." One morning Will Dando woke up with 108 predictions ringing loudly in his mind. They were specific, and seemed to make no real sense. He wasn't even sure it was real. Except he couldn't get them [...]

Artemis – Review

"It's hard to run with a hundred kilograms of gear on -- even in lunar gravity. But you'd be amazed how fast you can hustle when your life is on the line." Andy Weir is back with his unique and addicting blend of factual science fiction and smart ass humor. This time we're not fighting [...]

The City of Brass – Review

"There's no magic, no djinn, no spirits waiting to eat us up." Nahri doesn't believe in magic. Even if proof exists in her ability to heal, both herself and others. It doesn't matter. It's just a part of her. Not a magical being there to grant wishes of her every whim. She's just a con [...]

The Power – Review

"The shape of power is always the same." The Power is such an amazing book! Anyone who enjoys reading about the complexity and reality of power, both perceived and enforced, implied and physical, will enjoy this novel. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and The Power shows us the harsh truth in those four words. We open with [...]

Perfectly Undone – Review

"Dad always told me, "People should never forget where they come from," as if it's possible to erase it from memory. Maybe if I could forget my past, I'd finally get a hold on my future." Dr. Dylan Michels has it all. A fantastic job doing what she loves, the chance to further her career [...]