
Oh, hello there. Today is definitely far more stabby than last week. For one, I'm no longer basking in the beach life. BOO!!! For two, I have 1,367,984 things to do before we hit the road again on Friday. Also, my son is turning 21 today at 6:15pm, and I'm not there. DOUBLE BOO!!! But... [...]

April Wrap Up

I meant to post this yesterday, for #Maythe4thbewithyou!!! But in all honesty, #RevengeoftheFifth is just as appropriate. I mean, we need the Force to power through all these book right? And when you look at the stack you just read and feel pretty accomplished. Only to be smacked in the face with the rest of [...]

Sleight – Review + GIVEAWAY

Once again, I'm thrilled to be on this book tour with Rockstar Book Tours! If you haven't subscribed to their email list for tour signups, I highly encourage you to. They always host amazing books, and I've been introduced to some phenomenal books thanks to their tours. Click the photo above, or HERE to check [...]