Today Will Be Different – Review

"Because the other way wasn't working. The waking up just to get the day over with until it was time for bed. The grinding it out was a disgrace, an affront to the honor and long shot of being alive at all." Today Will Be Different is exactly the book I needed to read! The [...]

The Heart’s Invisible Furies – Review

"Anything is possible," I said. "But most things are unlikely." The Heart's Invisible Furies is an epic, all-encompassing story spanning the life of Cyril Avery. Cyril is adopted, "not a real Avery", as his adopted parent's Charles and Maude often remind him, growing up in the 1950's in Ireland. Even though his adoptive parent's remind [...]

Fitness Junkie – Review

"Sugar is the devil, you know." Janey Sweet finds herself in the midst of a strange midlife crisis. Strange because rather than developing on it's own, her crisis is thrust upon her by her boss and business partner. Over breakfast Beau breaks the news that Janey is fat: the mother of all F*words to Beau, [...]

Blogger Recognition Award

Danielle tagged me for this award, THANK YOU!!! Her blog is HERE and her Twitter is @dmcdowall129. Go give her a follow! I have never done this before, so this should be fun! Here is the Pirate Code (this means the rules for all ye land lubbers) I will be following: Thank the blogger who nominated you [...]

Lying to Children – Review

"Believe me, it's not easy being a dad. It takes love, strength, patience, understanding... and the ability to lie sincerely to impressionable young children about all manners of things, from the existence of Santa Claus to why they can't have a puppy." Lying to Children is a funny novel, set up as a series of [...]