Tuesdays With Jena: Meet Becky!

Good morning lovelies!!! It’s Tuesday, which means, three things!

One: we survived another Monday! PRAISE THE STABBIES!!!

Two: we are one day closer to the most glorious month of the year!

Three: it’s time to meet another fabulous bookstagrammer!

Say hello to Becky!!! Over on the ‘gram, you’ll find her under @suey_library. PLEASE go follow her!!! Fair warning, you may become slightly obsessed…

Isn’t she adorable?!

Becky’s account is drool worthy for several reasons. One, if you need some book boyfriend inspiration, just go check out all the swoon covers she features. Get ready to blush and maybe don’t scroll the feed at work.

Second, every single post is so gorgeous and cozy, I want to jump in. The hot men are just an added incentive 😂

Third, she’s a diehard Howler. I mean, I have yet to meet a Howler who ISN’T obsessed, but still. The pack that obsesses together, stays together, right?!

Finally, her captions are always the best! Hilarious and fun, I just love her to pieces! And I know you will too!

When did you start your Bookstagram account?

January 2018

Why do you bookstagram?

I really enjoyed the community when viewing it from the outside and I really needed an outlet for talking about books since no one in my reality seems to enjoy discussing books in length the way I do. 

I think we all have that problem! What’s your favorite bookstagram account?

@meme.Granger is the main reason I started my bookstagram. She has the most amazing account in my opinion – I love everything about her personality and feed.

What about a favorite non bookstagram account?

@ashsnapem she is the main reason I want to do cosplay photography! I love her shots, she is an amazing photographer.

@fracrox not only is he a cover model for many books I love, (plus he is hot which is an added bonus) but he is an amazing photographer who I enjoy following. 

Both of these I follow on my personal/gaming account – @iambeckysue

How do you feel about themes? Yay, or nay?

I prefer a theme – I like to be organized and things to look uniformed

Do you have a favorite photo from your account?

Why is it your favorite?

I just really love the lighting, I am a sucker for perfect light in a picture.

What do you do when you’re not on the Internet?

Disc Golf with the husband, I also like to go window shopping and thrift shopping.



Where is your favorite place to read?

In my bed – just super comfy! 

I would never leave! Tell me your favorite genre!!!

Romance, Science Fiction, Dystopian and I love Adult Horror, more specifically, anything zombies

Yes, yes, yes!!! Top five books right now!

Long Shot by Kendal Ryan

FEED by Mira Grant

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

PUCKED by Helena Hunting

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Ebooks, audiobooks, paperback or hardcover? Rank them for me.

Paperback 1 – Nothing is better than having a real book! 

eBooks 2 – I read eBooks faster as they are cheaper and more convenient 

Hardcover 3 – I only get hardcover if I have to be OCD about my books being the same size

Audiobooks 4 – these have become easier for me recently with work

Your account is full of potential book boyfriends? Or cover boyfriends 🤔 So where do you fall in the great book boyfriend debate? For or against?

Hands down, Gilbert Blythe will forever have my heart, then Darcy, Thomas Cresswell, The Darkling, ALL men from PUCKED 😊 and Tate and Logan from the Temptations series

Is there a book that represents your life?

A blend of Long Shot and Pieces of Eight, and The Voyeur; the struggles the female characters deal with are just close to home emotionally and the authors brought these issues to a light in such a beautifully powerful way! 

Do you have a blog?



When did you start blogging?

December 2017

Do you have a favorite blog post?

I just like how amazing the book was! I feel like this was one of my better reviews


Favorite blogs?




Favorite reading snack?

I will sit and eat saltine crackers and milk for hours while reading

There you guys have it! Gorgeous photos. Swoon worthy covers. Serious howler pride. And totes adorable to top it off! Walk, don’t run, over to her bookstagram @suey_library and hit that follow button!

See you all next week!!!

Want to be featured? Follow me @jenabrownwrites on Instagram and send me a DM!

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