Monday spotlight!

Monday, monday! What a fabulous day to talk about another gorgeous book. Yes, this is brought to you by Rockstar Book Tours, because, seriously, they just kill it with the amazing tours. My copy of this beautiful book didn't get to me quite in time, so keep a lookout for my review as soon as [...]

The Seven Torments of Amy and Craig – SPOTLIGHT

Thank you Rockstar Book Tours for including me on this tour! They have the most amazing tours for some seriously awesome books. I don't mean to put any pressure, but you totally should check out their site. If you aren't incredibly excited for this adorable, relatable, and quirky debut novel already, let me introduce you [...]

Angel of Death – Spotlight + GIVEAWAY

Happy Tuesday!!! Today I am happy to spotlight the book Angel of Death and help promote a giveaway on this blog tour! These amazing tours and giveaways are hosted by Rockstar Book Tours and I am so thankful to be included in this one! Be sure to click the banner below to visit their site. [...]

Awaken – Spotlight + Giveaway

Good morning! Good morning! I am so happy to be a part of the Rockstar Book Tours blog tour for Awaken! Be sure to check out the rest of the tour, (links found below), or click the banner above for their website. They have amazing tours happening all the time. And don't forget to scroll [...]