Courting Darkness – Review + GIVEAWAY

When is the last time you read a book that had you strapping on your knives and checking your poison stores? If it's been awhile, you need to pick up Courting Darkness. Actually, even if it hasn't been awhile, get this book. You need it! I DOUBLE STAB DARE YOU!!! As you can probably tell, [...]

West – Review + GIVEAWAY

It's Friday and I've had cake for breakfast all week, and there is nothing better to top my week off than another epic YA fantasy book! It's the frosting on my book tour cake. Make sure you grab your own dose of Rockstar Book Tours icing by checking out their website! Before I get into [...]

Not Even Bones – Review

** This review was originally published on, see it HERE ** In her stunning debut novel NOT EVEN BONES, Rebecca Schaeffer transports us to a world that resembles our own in nearly every way. Except for the supernatural creatures, that is. Nita is a good person. She doesn’t kill supernatural creatures. Or sell their [...]