Come With Me

"There is no loneliness worse than a loneliness being surrounded by other people." Amy is a full time mother and part time PR person for a start-up tech company. Donny, son of her best friend, has developed an algorithm that can open the world of "multiverses" to the user. Every possible decision, stemming to a [...]


What if instead of wishes, you were granted three book worlds to enter?! Which worlds would you choose??? For today's stabnanigans, I wanted to take the magic of the djinn and cast some wishes. I found the lamp, but my genie made me murder one of these books, so, I suppose the old adage, careful [...]

The City of Brass – Review

"There's no magic, no djinn, no spirits waiting to eat us up." Nahri doesn't believe in magic. Even if proof exists in her ability to heal, both herself and others. It doesn't matter. It's just a part of her. Not a magical being there to grant wishes of her every whim. She's just a con [...]