Let’s get Wicked!!! Reads, that is…


Welcome, welcome, witches and ghouls! Are you ready to play a game? Of course you are!!! Grab your broomsticks and spell books, because it’s time for some Wicked Reads!

Even though Halloween was last night, I think it’s appropriate to celebrate all week. And, Penguin Teen agrees! A few weeks ago I received an email, where we had to choose a candy in exchange for a surprise book treat. And, what a treat it was! In exchange for choosing Twizzlers, I was sent The Sacrifice Box by Martin Stewart, and NOTHING could have been more appropriate for this spooky season!!!

The Sacrifice Box

1982, the summer before seventh grade. Five kids with nothing in common–Sep, Arkle, Hadley, Lamb, and Mack–become instant friends. On the last day of summer, they find a stone box buried in the forest, and each places an object inside to seal their friendship. And they make rules:

Never come to the box alone.
Never open it after dark.
Never take back your sacrifice.

1986, the summer before eleventh grade. The five haven’t spoken since that day in 1982. Sep has gone through the past four years alone and plans to escape to boarding school. But strange things are happening–mirrors are breaking unexpectedly, electricity is flickering in and out, and people are coming down with inexplicable physical ailments.

Someone has broken the rules. And it seems the five committed more than objects to the box’s ancient stone–they gave it their deepest secrets and darkest fears, and now these are being returned in a flood of shambling corpses, murderous toys, and undead pets. The gang must reunite in an attempt to discover the secrets of the sacrifice box–and Sep might be the only one who can stem its tide of evil before it’s too late.


That is my exact reaction throughout the entire book. Honestly, YA horror can be so hit or miss, but holy scary novel, The Sacrifice Box IS ALL HIT!!! If you love horror, and I mean, can’t sleep because you’re terrified and WHY IS THE WIND BLOWING RIGHT NOW kind of scared, you’ll DIE for this book! Review to come!!!

So, in the name of All Hallow’s Eve, and to fully submerse myself in the season of scares, I wondered what these characters would dress up as for Halloween. Ready?! HERE WE GO!!!

skeleton tenor

First up, we have Seb. Oh, September. My rock and roll skater dude. If Bill Nye The Science Guy was rocking TV in 1986, Seb would make sure he caught that show every time it aired. Quiet and smart, he wants to be his own person, and not tied into anyone else’s ideas of who he should be. I can totally see him sporting some punk rock attire, with his skateboard in hand, like, duh man!


Yup! Just like that!

Okay, next, we have Arkle. This kid is a bundle of comedy just waiting for an audience. Or, making one wherever he is. Which is why I can see Arkle worshipping the cast of Saturday Night Live. Of all the characters on that show, the one I can see Arkle dressing up as the most, is Ed Grimley. Endearingly obnoxious, making comedy from everyday situations, I think this character is a natural fit for our little Arkle.

giphy snl

It’s seriously so perfect, I can’t even!

Up next: Hadley. Sweet, shy Hadley with all her secrets. She’s quiet but dreams of being bold. And even though she’s super smart, she doesn’t want to be the clumsy, nerdy girl everyone picks on. I can see her making mix tapes, dreaming of a wardrobe full of neon and shine. A little bit Madonna. A touch of Jem. This is the night she can be the girl that Seb can’t help but notice!


YES!!! She’s, like, totally radical, man!

This next character was a bit tougher. Lamb is the consummate athlete, always carrying her field hockey stick everywhere, and used to wearing her uniform as normal clothing. But, I can imagine that she enjoys being strong and powerful, both on the field and off. Enter, the 80’s power suit. Given how she holds on to her mother’s memory with a scarf tied around her wrist, I think she isn’t opposed to embracing a touch of femininity. But, not too much. She would choose a costume as a try-out for adult life.


Feminine and FIERCE!!!

Last, but certainly not least, there’s Mack. A jock and reluctant bully, Mack has a softer side. All he wants is to be happy, included in a group that makes him feel good, and having lots to eat isn’t bad either. I can see Mack going to the movies a few times and totally relating to Andy Clark. He doesn’t want to be judged, and finds himself content in a group otherwise composed of misfits.


I’m sure he even has the letterman jacket to complete the look!

Honestly, this was such a FUN blog tour! Everything from beginning to end was a treat!!! And, in full Halloween spirit, make sure you stop by the rest of the tour stops, for the complete Wicked Reads trick or treat experience!!!

Sour Patch Kids

October 29 – A Warrior’s Library – Creative Instagram Picture

October 30 – Jo Loves to Read – Creative Instagram Picture

October 31 – Under the Book Cover – Characters: Costumes and Trick-o-Treat Candy

November 1 – The Page Mistress – Unboxing + Creative Instagram Picture + Sour vs. Sweet Post

November 2 – YA Bibliophile – Halloween Recipe


October 29 – Read with Allison – Dream Halloween Party + Guests

October 30 – The MegaNerd – Inspired by the book: Pumpkin Decorating

October 31 – Bookbabe88 – Creative Instagram Picture

November 1 – Jena Brown Writes – Creative Instagram Picture + Halloween costumes based on a few characters from the book

November 2 – Treestand Book Reviews – Unboxing + Spooky Game

Jolly Rancher Sticks

October 29 – A Court of Coffee and Books – Spooktacular Book Reading Party

October 30 – Cheyenne.Reads – Photoshoot in a historical cemetery

October 31 – The Bibliophagist – Creative Halloween Picture +  Characters: Friends or Enemies

November 1 – Book Fidelity – Snack + Drink Recommendations

November 2 – Twinning for Books – Dia de los murtos: Day of the dead spotlight with fun gifs and spooky facts about the holiday

Swedish Fish

October 29 – Bookwormgram – Spooky Halloween/Autumn Creative Instagram Picture

October 30 – The Review Room – Moodboard + Playlist

October 31 – Books coffee and repeat – Creative Graphic

November 1 – Page travels – Creative Instagram Picture

November 2 – Kat’s Books – Horror Movie Listicle


October 29 – Bookish Lifestyle – Haunting Creative Instagram Picture + Truth or Dare Game

October 30 – Tenacious Reader – Digital Blackout Poetry

October 31 – live.laugh.love.library – Halloween themed picture + Listicle

November 1 – Sarcasm & Lemons – Aesthetic Board

November 2 – Fangirl.Bookgram – Halloween themed Creative Instagram picture

skeleton giphy


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