
Fairies, and shadelings, and water wives, OH MY!!! Ironspark by C.M. McGuire is the snarky urban fantasy I had no idea I needed. As far as openings go, this quote really sets up expectations remarkably well. We know magic exists. And we know that whatever we think we know about magical creatures is, well, sixty [...]

The House In The Cerulean Sea

"How can we fight prejudices if we do nothing to change it? If we allow it to fester, what's the point?" It’s official. I will read anything @tjklunebooks writes. ANYTHING!!! This book. THIS BOOK!!! On the cover, @seananmcguire is quoted as saying, “This book is very close to perfect.” And YES!!! I laughed! I cried! Often on the same [...]

Me Myself & Him – Review

"I'd just spent the past ten minutes getting slapped around by good and bad luck in such rapid succession, I didn't know what to think." If you're looking for the perfect summer contemporary with a sci-fi twist, do yourself a favor and grab Me Myself & Him. Chris Schweitzer has nothing but the perfect summer [...]