I’m Not Dying With You Tonight – Review

"I like a touch of drama every now and again, but this is over the top. I never wanted to star in an action thriller." I'm Not Dying With You Tonight is a spectacular new YA book that is breathtaking in every way! I devoured this book in one night. One night! Once I started, [...]

Bright Burning Stars – Review

"Nothing shadows the art of dance. It's a union of body, mind, and music. Classical dance is known for being ruthless. So commit to yourself and fight for your destiny." Bright Burning Stars takes us into the highly competitive and intense world of classical ballet training in the Paris Opera Ballet School. We meet Kate [...]

Come With Me

"There is no loneliness worse than a loneliness being surrounded by other people." Amy is a full time mother and part time PR person for a start-up tech company. Donny, son of her best friend, has developed an algorithm that can open the world of "multiverses" to the user. Every possible decision, stemming to a [...]

Watch You Burn – Review + GIVEAWAY

Hello hello! Today's blog post is burning hot and I am super excited to be part of this blog tour. Make sure you click the link or the photo above and check out Rockstar Book Tours incredible fall blog tour line up. They always have the most smokin' books and believe me, you don't want [...]

Royals – Review

"Fun part of having a famous sibling -- you yourself somehow become kind of famous. But it seems like you just get the annoying parts of fame, like, you know, your boyfriend selling your private stuff to a tabloid." Daisy Winters just wants to be a regular sixteen year old girl. The highlight of her [...]

The Hate U Give – Review

"When I was twelve, my parents had two talks with me. One was the usual birds and bees. The other talk was about what to do if a cop stopped me." The Hate U Give has been at the top of the New York Times Bestselling list for an impressive 51 weeks. Once you open [...]